
Welcome to the blog for the Confederate Veteran magazine, the official journal for the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The Veteran is published six times a year as a service to our members. Membership is open to all male descendants of veterans who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces. For more information visit our web site at


Visit the Confederate Veteran magazine blog periodically to check on announcements, current events and information relevant for all SCV members. Feedback is welcome, please e-mail me your comments. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Are You Receiving Damaged Issues?

It has come to our attention that some of our members are receiving their copies of the Confederate Veteran in a damaged and/or unreadable condition. Every now and then, my issue may have a tear in the protective cover, which is the reason for this cover. But, receiving issues damaged or unreadable on a regular basis is not acceptable. I had this problem when I served as editor of the NC Division newsletter. We solved it by complaining to the local postmasters. Not just once, but every time it happens because it is obvious it is being damaged on purpose by post office employees. In one case we even called our US senator’s office and had them call on the individual’s behalf. Postmasters don’t like receiving calls from US senators’ offices. The situation cleared up immediately. Remember, Federal employees work for us, the taxpayers, and we have every right to expect our mail to be delivered in good condition.